From collection Archives Collection
Head Table at Epsilon Nu Chapter Installation Banquet Photograph, October 1968
Sigma Kappas pose together at the head table during the Epsilon Nu Chapter, University of Maine, installation banquet. Included are Alpha Chapter President Barbara Felz; Jacquelyn Partington Cicerone, Alpha Sigma, Westminster College; Epsilon Nu Chapter President Carol Smart; National 2nd Vice President Eleanor Dygert Haddon, Phi, University of Rhode Island; Province Officer Kay Woodward Blanchard, Alpha, Colby College; National Secretary-Treasurer Margaret Hazlett Taggart, Alpha Iota, Miami University; Province Officer Maryalyce Rehm Norris, Beta Zeta, University of Maryland; Traveling Secretary Linda L. Bayliss, Gamma Omega, Wittenberg University; and Delta Chapter President Teresa M. Bentley.