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Chapter Letters: Delta - Boston University, December 1907, Continued
Chapter Letters: Delta - Boston University, December 1907, Continued
Chapter Letters 37
walked, some of the girls taking a delightful three mile walk
around the ‘‘ cliffs’? and returning just in time for a regular
sea-shore dinner of clam chowder. The menus were very
dainty, having a photograph of the cottage upon them. In
the evening, the young men came down and we had an
enjoyable dance in the house and on the verandas, ending,
at a late hour, with a good old-fashioned Virginia Reel.
October 9th we entertained at a spread and candy pull and
October 12th we gave the Freshmen a dinner party at
Helen Wilson’s. October 15, we had a lunch and “ sing’’
at the house and, oh, how much we have appreciated and
enjoyed our new song books can be imagined only by our
sister chapters who have been experiencing the same pleas-
ure! October 17th we brought our rushing season to a close
with a Tally-ho ride followed by a hot, oyster supper at the
house. Both night and girls were ideal for such a ride and
we all had a grand good time.
We are now very busy getting ready for our initiation
and banquet which is to be held Nov. 16th, at Hotel Ven-
dome, Boston. How we would like to have every Sigma
Kappa with us! But I’m afraid that is wanting too much ;
at any rate, we are looking forward to having with us again
many of our Alumnae.
Hallowe’en night we entertained our friends with a
Hallowe’en party and dance at the house and all enjoyed a
delightful time. Friday afternoon, November 8th, Massa-
chusetts Alpha of Pi Beta Phi gave a reception to the
College of Liberal Arts at Hotel Nottingham, and we had
the pleasure of meeting Miss Elda Smith, secretary of Inter-
Sorority Conference, and their grand secretary, who was
visiting them a few days. November 23rd a large number of
our girls are to witness the Harvard-Yale football game, after
which they are planning to entertain their friends with a
spread and good time at the house. During the first of the
college year, the Y. W. C. A. and the Y. M. C. A. gave a
reception to the Freshmen, and November 8th the Junior class
followed their example. Both college affairs were well at-
tended and enjoyed.
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Chapter Letters: Delta - Boston University, December 1907, Continued