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Melang, Sarah Sewell

January 25th, 1992

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, Fall 1994

This scrapbook, created by historian Sarah Sewell Melang, Mu, University of Washington, shows the life of Mu Chapter, University of Washington, during the fall of 1994. It contains photographs from holiday parties, chapter retreats, and recruitment.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1994

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, Fall 1994, Back Cover

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1994

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, Fall 1994, Front Cover

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1994

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, Fall 1994, Inside Back Cover

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1994

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, Fall 1994, Inside Front Cover

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1994

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, Fall 1994, Page 1

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1994

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, Fall 1994, Page 10

This page contains photographs from recruitment.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1994

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, Fall 1994, Page 11

This page contains photographs from the preference round of recruitment.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1994

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, Fall 1994, Page 12

This page contains photographs from Bid Day.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1994

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, Fall 1994, Page 13

This page contains three photographs from Bid Day.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1994

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, Fall 1994, Page 14

This page contains two photographs from Presentation Night.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1994

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, Fall 1994, Page 15

This page contains two photographs from Presentation Night and a list of new members.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1994

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, Fall 1994, Page 16

This page contains photographs from an all house retreat.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1994

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, Fall 1994, Page 17

This page contains photographs of Mu Chapter, University of Washington, members sunbathing.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1994

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, Fall 1994, Page 18

This page contains two photographs from a new member dance.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1994

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, Fall 1994, Page 19

This page contains two photographs from a new member dance.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1994

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, Fall 1994, Page 2

This page announces the recent weddings of Mu Chapter, University of Washington, members Jody Renae Simpson, Mu, University of Washington, Abigail M. Leamer Stanton, Mu, University of Washington, and Connie A. Isquith Olson, Mu, University of Washington.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1994

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, Fall 1994, Page 20

This page contains photographs from a new member lock-in.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1994

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, Fall 1994, Page 21

This page features a group photograph from Initiation.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1994

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, Fall 1994, Page 22

This page contains photographs from a Founders' Day event.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1994