Showing 41 to 55 of 55 results for "Women's Athletics".

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Women's Athletics

Epsilon Xi Chapter Life Scrapbook, Page 47

This scrapbook page features four newspaper clippings about the Adrian College women's softball team.

Collection: Scrapbook Collection
Date: May 1978

Epsilon Xi Chapter Scrapbook, Page 73

This scrapbook page features three newspaper and magazine clippings mentioning members of Epsilon Xi Chapter, Adrian College.

Collection: Scrapbook Collection
Date: Mar 1st, 1969 - Jan 1972

Epsilon Xi Chapter Scrapbook, Page 75

This scrapbook page features two newspaper clippings mentioning members of Epsilon Xi Chapter, Adrian College.

Collection: Scrapbook Collection
Date: Mar 1st, 1969 - Jan 1972

Junior Co-Eds Defeat Frosh In Hard Game Newspaper Clipping

Collection: Scrapbook Collection

Katrin Cisne Tau Chapter Historian Scrapbook, Page 115

This scrapbook page features two newspaper clippings mentioning members of Tau Chapter, Indiana University.

Collection: Scrapbook Collection
Date: Sep 1993 - Apr 1994

Sigma Kappa Activity Record for Members and Pledges, 1925-1926

Collection: Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1925 - 1926

To Sigma Kappa From Omega Delta Local Sorority Petition Scrapbook, Page 11

This scrapbook page features a typed overview of fraternities and sororities and other student organizations at Culver-Stockton College. The description begins on the previous page.

Collection: Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1944 - Mar 18th, 1947

To Sigma Kappa From Omega Delta Local Sorority Petition Scrapbook, Page 16

This scrapbook page features two lists of organizations at Culver-Stockton College to which members of Omega Delta Local Sorority belong and honors they have received.

Collection: Scrapbook Collection
Date: Sep 1945 - Feb 1947

University of Kentucky Sigma Kappa Scrapbook, Page 28

This scrapbook page features three photographs of Theta Rho, University of Kentucky, chapter members participating in a sports tournament.

Collection: Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1995 - 1996

University of Kentucky Sigma Kappa Scrapbook, Page 29

This scrapbook page features three photographs of Theta Rho, University of Kentucky, chapter members participating in a sports tournament.

Collection: Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1995 - 1996

W. A. A. Elects Sports Heads For New Term Newspaper Clipping

Collection: Scrapbook Collection

W. A. A. Members Plan Initiation Newspaper Clipping

Collection: Scrapbook Collection

Water Enthusiasts Back Precision Swimming Project Newspaper Clipping

This photocopied page contains four newspaper clippings describing women's athletics, the creation of a synchronized swimming group, and staffing for the student newspaper The Echo at Colby College in Waterville, Maine.

Collection: Archives Collection

Women Crush Hillsdale Newspaper Clipping, May 1978

Collection: Scrapbook Collection
Date: May 1978

Women End Season 7-2 Newspaper Clipping, May 1978

Collection: Scrapbook Collection
Date: May 1978