Showing 1 to 8 of 8 results for "Skowhegan, Maine".

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Skowhegan, Maine

Former Home of Louise Helen Coburn Photograph, 1984

Collection: Archives Collection

Gertrude M. Pooler to Mrs. Ralph E. Clarkson Letter, July 30, 1985

Skowhegan, Maine Town Clerk Gertrude M. Pooler writes to Barbara Wirt Clarkson, Mu, University of Washington, with information about the local cemetery where Louise H. Coburn, Alpha, Colby College, is buried.

Collection: Archives Collection

Grace Coburn Smith to Miss Leitchen Letter, March 4, 1920

Grace Coburn, Alpha, Colby College, writes to Miss Leitchen to thank her for the gift of a violet and ask for suggestions on making the Sigma Kappa Triangle more appealing to collegiate members.

Collection: Archives Collection
Date: Mar 4th, 1920

Grace Coburn Smith to Miss Leitchen Letter, September 9, 1922

Grace Coburn, Alpha, Colby College, writes to Miss Leitchen to thank her for writing a letter from the previous National Convention and encourage her to submit an article to the Sigma Kappa Triangle.

Collection: Archives Collection
Date: Sep 9th, 1922

Louise Helen Coburn Grave Photograph

A Daughters of the American Revolution grave marker stands before the headstone of Sigma Kappa Founder Louise H. Coburn, Alpha Chapter, Colby College, who is buried in the Coburn family plot in Skowhegan, Maine.

Collection: Archives Collection

Margaret Chase Smith Home Photograph, 1984

Collection: Archives Collection
Date: 1984

Margaret Chase Smith Library Photograph, 1984

Collection: Archives Collection
Date: 1984

Record of a Death - Helen S. Coburn, June 28, 1985

This document records the date and cause of death for Helen S. Coburn, Alpha, Colby College. This item is a copy of the original item.

Collection: Archives Collection