Showing 1 to 7 of 7 results for "Sigma Kappa Musicians".

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Sigma Kappa Musicians

Musical Sigma Kappas by Chapters Magazine Clipping, December 1921

This clipping features musical members of Sigma Kappa chapters, including Mu Chapter.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: Dec 1921

SKIPY Scrapbook, Page 170

This page features a newspaper photograph of Marie Boette, Gamma Delta, Thiel College. An accompanying article is on the next page.

Collection: Scrapbook Collection
Date: Sep 14th, 1954

SKIPY Scrapbook, Page 171

This page features a newspaper clipping about Marie Boette, Gamma Delta, Thiel College. An accompanying photograph is on the previous page. It also includes a clipping about a joint meeting between the Parkersburg and Marietta Alumnae Chapters.

Collection: Scrapbook Collection
Date: Aug 1954 - Sep 1954

SKIPY Scrapbook, Page 173

This page features the continuation of an article from the previous page about a visit from a South Korean pastor as well as an article about Marie Boette, Gamma Delta, Thiel College.

Collection: Scrapbook Collection
Date: Oct 14th, 1954 - Feb 1955

SKIPY Scrapbook, Page 174

This page features an article about Marie Boette, Gamma Delta, Thiel College. The article continues on the next page.

Collection: Scrapbook Collection
Date: Feb 18th, 1955

SKIPY Scrapbook, Page 175

This page features the continuation of an article about Marie Boette, Gamma Delta, Thiel College. It also features an article about the Parkersburg Alumnae Chapter.

Collection: Scrapbook Collection
Date: Feb 1955

SKIPY Scrapbook, Page 181

This page features a newspaper article about Marie Boette, Gamma Delta, Thiel College, as well as two clippings about a Parkersburg Alumnae Chapter Christmas Party.

Collection: Scrapbook Collection
Date: Dec 1955