Showing 1 to 8 of 8 results for "Sigma Kappas in Government".

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Sigma Kappas in Government

Broward County Alumna Chapter Scrapbook, Page 59

This scrapbook page features five newspaper clippings mentioning members of Broward County Alumnae Chapter.

Collection: Scrapbook Collection
Date: Jan 4th, 1983 - Dec 29th, 1983

Broward County Alumna Chapter Scrapbook, Page 64

This scrapbook page features a menu and a photograph from Broward County Alumnae Chapter meetings and three newspaper clippings mentioning members of the chapter.

Collection: Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1982

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1941-1947, Page 51

This page contains four newspaper clippings related to Mu Chapter, University of Washington, members and their activities on campus. Included are notes about the Charm Queen contest, Shirley Henricksen's, Mu, University of Washington, involvement in student government; Betty C. Nelson's, Mu, University of Washington, engagement; and a notice about Genevieve Niles, Mu, University of Washington, being appointed in the department of the coordinator of inter-American affairs in Washington, D. C.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1941 - 1947

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1941-1947, Page 61

This page contains six newspaper clippings related to Mu Chapter, University of Washington, members and their activities on campus, including several on the Sigma Kappa Purple Shield Carnival Dance. Another article highlights the work of teacher and Marion Hartwich, Mu, University of Washington, and her appointment to Algiers.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1943 - 1946

Photo Album Photograph 281

Margaret Chase Smith, Alpha, Colby College, is congratulated by President George H.W. Bush and First Lady Barbara Bush.

Collection: Born Digital Collection

Political Whirlwind Part of Government Internship Newspaper Clipping, Tuesday, January 4, 1983

Collection: Scrapbook Collection
Date: Jan 4th, 1983

Resource Recovery Plant Discussion Again Delayed Newspaper Clipping, December 29, 1983

Collection: Scrapbook Collection
Date: Dec 29th, 1983

Zonta Hosts Politicos Newspaper Clipping, August 10, 1983

Collection: Scrapbook Collection
Date: Aug 10th, 1983