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150th Celebration Tour: Phoenix, Arizona, January 21, 2024

January 21st, 2024

Carrie Wiemann, Alpha Epsilon, Storyport, January 21, 2024

Collection: Sigma Kappa StoryPort Stories
Date: Jan 21st, 2024

KC Cowan-Micallef, Upsilon, StoryPort, January 21, 2024

Collection: Sigma Kappa StoryPort Stories
Date: Jan 21st, 2024

Mary Ruth Street, Beta Tau, Storyport, January 19, 2024

What is your favorite Sigma Kappa memory?I joined Sigma Kappa because of my mother, Mary Anne Garner Hagler, who was also a Beta Tau (University of Florida). My mom, an only child, took care of her parents until they passed away. At that time, since all three of her children had made our homes in Tallahassee, Mom moved here, too. In 2010, the local Sigma Kappa Alumni group had a 50-year pinning ceremony, and I took my mom. She was so happy and proud to be recognized for over 50 years of Sigma Kappa sisterhood. I cherish that memory!

Collection: Sigma Kappa StoryPort Stories
Date: Jan 19th, 2024

Miranda Martino, Delta Eta, Storyport, January 25, 2024

Why are you proud to be a Sigma Kappa?I am proud to be a Sigma Kappa because everywhere I go, there is a way to connect to our values as well as our sisterhood in the community. By being a Sigma Kappa, it truly has been for life as I continue to volunteer as an ABS as well as at different leadership summits / opportunities with the organization. I am proud to continue to connect and mentor Sigma Kappa women, advisors, etc. Being a Sigma Kappa has also benefited me in my work as a School Psychologist as well as working at a University, as our values and teachings from my days as an active member continue to benefit me in my professional career.Share your favorite moment from your time as a Sigma Kappa undergraduate member.My favorite moment in my undergraduate career was watching my childhood best friend, Kayli, come home to our chapter on Bid Day. It was amazing to welcome my best friend into our sisterhood for life. It was such a surprise and we continue to bond over Sigma Kappa to this day.What is your favorite Sigma Kappa memory?My favorite memory is actually one of being an advisor! I had just moved to Greeley, CO and was welcomed with open arms into the chapter house as I waited for two days for my apartment to be ready. It was my first day as an RS and in Colorado and the women of the chapter made me feel at home and lessened my nerves so much. I will always remember that and think of it fondly.PhotoMiranda Martino and Kayli Craig (Manley) at 2015 Walk to End Alz in Kansas City, Missouri

Collection: Sigma Kappa StoryPort Stories
Date: Jan 25th, 2024