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University of Washington Associated Women Students (AWS)

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1910-1940, Page 151

This page contains a newspaper clipping of a photograph of three University of Washington women walking together, including Betty Kirby, Mu, University of Washington.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1936 - 1939

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1910-1940, Page 155

This page contains three newspaper clippings related to Mu Chapter, University of Washington, members, including an article on plans being made by the Associated Women Students the University of Washington in advance of Eleanor Roosevelt's visit to campus.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1936 - 1940

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1941-1947, Page 24

This page contains two newspaper clippings. One clipping features a photograph of newly elected Associated Women Students officers, including Margaret Tupper, Mu, University of Washington, as vice-president. The other clipping announces the wedding of Nona Beth Fumerton Cox, Mu, University of Washington.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1941 - 1947

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1941-1947, Page 26

This page contains two clippings, including a notice about the death of Margaret Donahue, Mu, University of Washington, manager of the Associated Women Students of the University of Washington. The other clipping is a short feature on Grand President Ruth Ware Greig, Lambda, University of California, Berkeley.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1941 - 1947

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1941-1947, Page 27

This page contains four newspaper clippings related to Mu Chapter, University of Washington, members and alumna, including an obituary for Margaret Donahue, Mu, University of Washington, manager of the Associated Women Students of the University of Washington. The other clippings relate to Harriet Race, Mu, University of Washington, who is a finalist for the sponsors of the Cadet Ball and who is running for senior class treasurer.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1941 - 1947

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1941-1947, Page 32

This page contains seven newspaper clippings related to Mu Chapter, University of Washington, members' activities on campus and wedding announcements. It also has a brief obituary for Ruth Isabel Pidduck, Mu, University of Washington.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1941 - 1947

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1941-1947, Page 41

This page contains six newspaper clippings related to Mu Chapter, University of Washington, members' activity on campus, including Shirley M. Henricksen's, Mu, University of Washington, participation with the Associated Women Students and Associated Students of the University of Washington and Mary Pat Nelson's, Mu, University of Washington, participation in a fashion show.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1941 - 1947

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1941-1947, Page 45

This page contains eight newspaper clippings related to Mu Chapter, University of Washington, members' activity on campus, including new members in the Totem Club, Shirley Henricksen, Mu, University of Washington, running for senior class vice-president, and campus war efforts.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1941 - 1947

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1941-1947, Page 48

This page contains ten newspaper clippings related to Mu Chapter, University of Washington, members and their activities on campus. The clippings include notes on campus events, students clubs, and engagement announcements.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1941 - 1947

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1941-1947, Page 57

This page contains seven newspaper clippings about Mu Chapter, University of Washington, members and their activities on campus. Included are notes about the activities of the Associated Women Students, the W-Key Club, and a campus song contest.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1941 - 1947

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1941-1947, Page 66

This page contains four newspaper clippings related to the activities of Mu Chapter, University of Washington, members on campus, including the results of an apple sale drive to benefit the Ryther Child's Home, in which Sigma Kappa finished seventh. Two clippings relate to Associated Women Students events.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1941 - 1947

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1941-1947, Page 68

This page contains six newspaper clippings related to the activities on campus of Mu Chapter, University of Washington, members, including their involvement with Associated Women Students activities, campus publications, student government, and other campus events.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1941 - 1947

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1941-1947, Page 69

This page contains four newspaper clippings related to Mu Chapter, University of Washington, members' activities on campus. Included are articles about the senior banquet, an Associated Women Students Talent Show, and initiates into Gamma Alpha Chi professional society.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1941 - 1947

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1941-1947, Page 78

This page contains three newspaper clippings of wedding and engagement announcements for Mu Chapter, University of Washington, members and alumnae. It also contains a clipping of a photograph of students at an Associated Women Students' sign-up drive.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1941 - 1947

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1950-1961, Page 7

This page contains five newspaper clippings related to the activities of Mu Chapter, University of Washington, members on campus. Included are articles about student government and student publications, as well as the Associated Women Students.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1950 - 1961

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1951-1953, Page 17

This page contains a Valentine's card to Mu Chapter, University of Washington, members from Letitia Miller and three clippings that feature members' activities on campus. Included is an image of Kathy Hyde singing in the choir, Kathy Long receiving an invitation to the Associated Women Students scholarship banquet, and Janet McDonald becoming Honorary Colonel at the Scabbard and Blade Cadet Ball.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1952

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1951-1953, Page 19

This page contains four newspaper clippings about Maxine Softky, Mu, University of Washington, running for and being elected as the Associated Women Students corresponding secretary, and members Barbara Black, Mu, University of Washington, and Joanne Schwary, Mu, University of Washington, pledging to Totem Club.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1952

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1951-1953, Page 5

This page contains four clippings related to Mu Chapter, University of Washington, members and their activities on campus, including volunteering at a blood drive and hosting an Associated Women's Students party.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1951

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1951-1953, Page 57

This page contains five newspaper clippings of Mu Chapter, University of Washington, members' activities on campus. Included is a notice of Jean Sheppard and Eleanor Diamond being named princess for the University District and an article about a Mu Chapter event to honor Ernestine Duncan Seaman, Sigma Kappa national president.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1953

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1951-1953, Page 58

This page contains three newspaper clippings related to Mu Chapter, University of Washington, and an additional clipping of a cartoon. One article features the work of Marilyn Conroy, Mu, University of Washington, working with amputees for Military Intelligence.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1953