Showing 1 to 10 of 10 results for "Peck, Clarence R.".

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Peck, Clarence R.

Clarence Peck Calling Card, 1911-1915

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1911 - 1915

Clarence Peck Invitation Acceptance Note, March 28, 1914

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: Mar 28th, 1914

Clarence Peck to Eleanor Letter, May 18, 1914

Clarence Peck, unable to see Eleanor that evening, encloses twenty cents for her to buy herself and Carlton Moore a malted milk.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: May 18th, 1914

Clarence R. Peck Calling Card, 1911-1915

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1911 - 1915

Eleanor Stahl U of W Scrapbook, Page 42

This page contains ephemera related to Delta Chi Fraternity.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: Mar 28th, 1914

Eleanor Stahl U of W Scrapbook, Page 43

This page contains ephemera, dried flowers, and a clipping about the Signal Corps.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1911 - 1915

Eleanor Stahl U of W Scrapbook, Page 44

This page contains a clipping about the Delta Chi Fraternity house party, an invitation to 1915 Junior Week, and a summons for Gregory Peck.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1914

Eleanor Stahl U of W Scrapbook, Page 50

This page contains ephemera from the University of Washington, including from a play and the junior prom.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1911 - 1915

Law To Wood Peck from Would Be Peck Booklet, 1914-1916

This handmade booklet from Eleanor Stahl, Mu, University of Washington, to her fiance Clarence Peck contains a lighthearted poem of appreciation for Christmas.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1914 - 1916

University of Washington Chapter of Delta Chi Fraternity Summons for Clarence Peck, April 1914

Clarence Peck is summoned to appear before the University of Washington Chapter of Delta Chi Fraternity for allowing a non-mother, non-wife, or non-fiance to wear his pin. This presumably is Eleanor Stahl, Mu, University of Washington.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: Apr 1914