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Campus Events

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1910-1940, Page 115

This page contains a newspaper clipping, featuring a photograph of Wanda Taylor and Evelyn Lamotte heading to a debate tournament.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1935 - 1936

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1910-1940, Page 124

This page contains two newspaper clippings related to Mu Chapter, University of Washington, members.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1936 - 1937

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1910-1940, Page 126

This page contains two newspaper clippings related to Mu Chapter, University of Washington, members.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1936 - 1939

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1910-1940, Page 127

This page contains a clipping about the annual YWCA waffle breakfast at the University of Washington. It includes a photograph of participants, including Mu Chapter, University of Washington, members Marguerite Anderson and Rose Catherine Earley.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1936 - 1939

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1910-1940, Page 148

This page contains two newspaper clippings regarding a Mu Chapter, University of Washington, tea honoring Mrs. Bernard Donnelly and a fashion show.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1936 - 1939

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1910-1940, Page 161

This page contains a newspaper clipping of University of Washington students preparing for the Tolo Friday event, including Essey Tucker, Mu, University of Washington.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1936 - 1939

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1910-1940, Page 87

This page contains a newspaper clipping about the 1934-1935 University of Washington Junior Prom. It includes a photograph of Eva Marie Earley, Mu, University of Washington.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1934 - 1935

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1941-1947

This scrapbook documents the activities of Mu Chapter members at the University of Washington from 1941-1947. The scrapbook is composed mainly of newspaper clippings from The Daily of the University of Washington newspaper about activities of Mu Chapter members.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1941 - 1947

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1941-1947, Page 42

This page contains seven newspaper clippings related to Mu Chapter, University of Washington, members' activities on campus, including Helen Richardson, Mu, University of Washington, pledging to the Totem Club, Vivian Monsey, Mu, University of Washington, selling war savings stamps, and Madeline Wolfe, Mu, University of Washington, participating in the All-U Variety Show.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1941 - 1947

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1941-1947, Page 43

This page contains six newspaper clippings related to Mu Chapter, University of Washington, members' activities on campus, including Shirley Henricksen, Mu, University of Washington, running for student body vice president, as well as Dorin Anderson, Mu, University of Washington, Alene Hoffmann, Mu, University of Washington, and Mary Pat Nelson, Mu, University of Washington, helping organize a Red Cross drive.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1941 - 1947

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1941-1947, Page 44

This page contains three newspaper clippings, including an article detailing a campus fashion show with Mary Pat Nelson, Mu, University of Washington, modeling, an article on a W-Key tea, and a note about Helen Richardson, Mu, University of Washington, helping decorate for the Varsity Ball.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1941 - 1947

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1941-1947, Page 46

This page contains seven newspaper clippings related to Mu Chapter, University of Washington, members and their activities on campus. It includes engagement and wedding announcements, student government, and notes about campus events.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1941 - 1947

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1941-1947, Page 47

This page contains seven newspaper clippings related to Mu Chapter, University of Washington, members and their activities on campus. It contains engagement announcements and news about activities to support the war effort.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1941 - 1947

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1941-1947, Page 48

This page contains ten newspaper clippings related to Mu Chapter, University of Washington, members and their activities on campus. The clippings include notes on campus events, students clubs, and engagement announcements.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1941 - 1947

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1941-1947, Page 57

This page contains seven newspaper clippings about Mu Chapter, University of Washington, members and their activities on campus. Included are notes about the activities of the Associated Women Students, the W-Key Club, and a campus song contest.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1941 - 1947

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1941-1947, Page 58

This page contains five newspaper clippings about Mu Chapter, University of Washington, members and their activities on campus. Included are articles about the Charm Queen contest, a drive for war bonds, and a show for soldiers stationed at Fort Lewis.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1941 - 1947

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1941-1947, Page 60

This page contains a newspaper clipping of a photograph of dancers from the Khyber Pass operetta staged by the Associated Students of the University of Washington. Included in the photo is Margaret Senn, Mu, University of Washington. The page also contains a program for the event and a small card with an illustration of a dancer.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: Jan 1945

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1941-1947, Page 66

This page contains four newspaper clippings related to the activities of Mu Chapter, University of Washington, members on campus, including the results of an apple sale drive to benefit the Ryther Child's Home, in which Sigma Kappa finished seventh. Two clippings relate to Associated Women Students events.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1941 - 1947

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1941-1947, Page 68

This page contains six newspaper clippings related to the activities on campus of Mu Chapter, University of Washington, members, including their involvement with Associated Women Students activities, campus publications, student government, and other campus events.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1941 - 1947

Mu Chapter Scrapbook, 1941-1947, Page 69

This page contains four newspaper clippings related to Mu Chapter, University of Washington, members' activities on campus. Included are articles about the senior banquet, an Associated Women Students Talent Show, and initiates into Gamma Alpha Chi professional society.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1941 - 1947