Showing 141 to 160 of 933 results for "Campus Events".

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Campus Events

Alpha Psi of Lambda Chi Alpha Spring Informal Dance Card, May 16, 1919

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: May 16th, 1919

Alumni Association of the University of Denver Banquet Program, May 26, 1909

This program gives the menu and lists the speakers for the 1909 University of Denver Alumni Association Banquet.

Collection: Scrapbook Collection
Date: May 26th, 1909

An Invitation To Your College Show Program

This program promotes a fashion show for University of Denver hosted by the Denver Dry Goods Co.

Collection: Scrapbook Collection

Ann Bonneau and Unidentified Sigma Kappas at Performance Photograph

Collection: Archives Collection

Anna Prophitt, Nicole Lynch and Unidentified Beta Tau Chapter Member on Bid Day Photograph, 2001

Collection: Sigma Kappa Digitization Days Collection
Date: 2001

Announce W. A. A. Play Day Plans Newspaper Clipping

Collection: Scrapbook Collection

Annual Concert of the University of Washington Chorus and Orchestra Program, December 16, 1914

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: Dec 16th, 1914

Annual Concert of the University of Washington Chorus and Orchestra Program, January 10, 1919

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: Jan 10th, 1919

Annual Concert of the University of Washington Glee and Mandolin Clubs Program, November 18, 1913

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: Nov 18th, 1913

Annual Oval Club Informal Dance Card, October 16, 1914

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: Oct 16th, 1914

Appoint Groups On Committee For Class Prom Newspaper Clipping

Collection: Scrapbook Collection

Assembly Held at the University of Washington in Honor of Marshal Ferdinand Foch of France Program, November 30, 1921

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: Nov 30th, 1921

ATO, Sigma Kappa Win Snow Contest Newspaper Clipping

This article announces that Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity and Alpha Chapter, Colby College, have won a snow sculpture contest.

Collection: Scrapbook Collection

AWS Banquet Program, 1956

This program gives the menu and lists the speakers for the 1956 University of Denver Associated Women Students Banquet.

Collection: 1955-1956 Iota Chapter Activities Scrapbook
Date: 1956

Barbara England and Susan Lee Flute Concert, May 6, 1978

Collection: Scrapbook Collection
Date: May 6th, 1978

Beta Xi University of Memphis

This information sheet summarizes the history of Beta Xi Chapter.

Collection: Born Digital Collection

Big Hippodrome Dance Newspaper Clipping, May 15, 1914

This clipping advertises the Hippodrome dance to benefit the crew team.

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: May 15th, 1914

Bird and Blossoms Dance Card, c. 1920

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1920

Blind Alley Program, June 1-4, 1938

This program lists the cast and crew for a production of "Blind Alley" by the University of Denver senior class of 1938.

Collection: Scrapbook Collection
Date: Jun 1st, 1938 - Jun 4th, 1938

Calva et Ossa Dance Card, April 26, 1919

Collection: Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: Apr 26th, 1919