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Chapter Letters: Eta - Illinois Wesleyan University, December 1907, Continued
Chapter Letters: Eta - Illinois Wesleyan University, December 1907, Continued
Chapter Letters Al
are not in school; Essyl Jones is out of town, but Grace
Engle and Erma Means are in the city and so, although not
active, they are still with us.
Rushing season this year lasted for six weeks from date
of matriculation and we were kept very busy. Asa result of
our efforts we have three pledges, Beth Engle, Clara Heffer-
nan, and Bernice Raeney, of whom we all are very proud.
Our large rushing parties were limited to three; such being
defined as one where more than five non-frat girls were
present. The reception to the Freshmen was not included.
This reception for all freshmen girls was held at the home of
Grace Engle. It proved quite a success as a large number
of girls were present and we had a splendid opportunity of
meeting all the new girls in school.
Our large parties were a theatre party, a dinner at
Marguerite Bunn’s at which our alumnae who were in the
‘city were present, and a reception at Louise Pierson’s the
evening before pledge-day. Our small parties were given at
the homes of Nell Bloomer, Erma Means, Edna Mahaffey,
and Maude Wullenwaber. After the pledging ceremony at
the home of Alpha Myers, the entire chapter and the
pledges were most hospitably entertained by her.
Our initiation is to be held early in December and we
are looking forward with pleasant anticipation to having our
Grand President, Miss Mathews, with us at that time. We
also are expecting several of our Theta sisters.
Alpha Myers and Edna Mahaffey attended the initiation
of Theta this fall and came back full of praise for our sisters
there and of what they are accomplishing, Sister Myers also
attended the Y. W. C. A. Convention at Elgin and from
there went to Chicago, where she called on our Grand Presi-
dent Sister Mathews. We are sure that by the visits of our
sisters from other chapters we shall be enabled to realize
more fully how much Sigma Kappa really means to us. We
only wish we might be visited by girls from each of the
other chapters and come into closer relations with them. We
are striving more than ever this year to live up to our ideals
and are confident that we will be stronger by it.
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Chapter Letters: Eta - Illinois Wesleyan University, December 1907, Continued