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Report of the Inter-Sorority Conference, Continued
Report of the Inter-Sorority Conference, Continued
20 Sigma Kappa Triangle
Gamma Phi Beta.—Miss Lillian Thompson, 326 W.
6ist Place, Chicago.
Alpha Chi Omega.—Mrs. Richard Tennant, 824 S. 5th
St., Terre Haute, Indiana.
Delta Delta Delta.—Mr. Amy Olgen Parmelee, 918
Chase Ave., Chicago.
Alpha Xi Delta,—Mrs. J. R. Leib, 1271 W. Washing-
son St., Springfield, Il.
Chi Omega.—Miss Jobelle Holcombe, Fayetteville, Ark.
Sigma Kappa.—Miss Sara B. Mathews, 297 Ashland
B’Il’v’d, Chicago.
Alpha Ormicron Pi.—Mrs. C. G. Bigelow, 1321 Monroe
St., Chicago.
The secretary read a summary of the work of the five
Inter-Sorority Conferences prepared by Miss Gamble for the
use of new delegates. Miss Holcombe read her report as
secretary ofthe I. S.C. Her summary of the year’s achieve-
ments follows :
After the close of the Fifth I. S. C., 1,000 copies of the
minutes were printed and circulated, with 500 copies of the
model constitution for Pan-Hellenics. Later, 800 copies of
the report of the delegate to the Dean’s Conference were
printed and circulated. The secretary took the liberty to
divide into two motions the resolution against High school
sororities. It was made to read:
Motion I. Resolved. That sororities in High schools
and other secondary schools should be discountenanced.
Motion II. Moved that after four years from date of
notification by Grand Presidents, each sorority in the Inter-
Sorority Conference refuse to admit any young woman who
has been a member of a sorority in a High school or secon-
dary school.
Voting blanks were sent to all Grand Secretaries and a
vote called for. The secretary delayed calling for the result
of the vote in order that the subject might be fully discussed
in the journals before final action was taken. ‘The result of
the vote occurs elsewhere in this report.
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Report of the Inter-Sorority Conference, Continued