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Report of the Inter-Sorority Conference, Continued
Report of the Inter-Sorority Conference, Continued
Report of Inter-Sorority Conference 23.
other’s motives and standards; certain evils, such as the
large expense connected with ‘‘rushing’’, are acknowledged ;
and a strong current is setting in the direction of alma mater
first, fraternity, if necessary, second.
2. ‘The sorority girl finds her social needsvery adequately
met in her-own group, consequently she does not readily see
the need of identifying herself with Women’s Leagues and
Y. W.C. A. ‘* Noblesse oblige—noble birth implies respon-
sibility ’’. We believe the sorority was born rightly, and to
recognize her own powers is the present responsibility.
3. There is a rapidly growing sentiment of kindliness
toward the non-fraternity student.
4, There is an earnest expression against the evils of
rushing :—over-elaborateness of entertainment, neglect of
regular college work, and unwarranted expenditures.
A committee consisting of Miss Thompson and Miss
Mathews was appointed, with two purposes: (a) to reprint
the Pan-Hellenic Model Constitution, appending to it the
various recommendations for the serious consideration of
Pan-Hellenic associations ; and (b) to collect during the year
a copy of the Pan-Hellenic rules from each association, these
rules to be incorporated in a pamphlet for the instruction of
Pan-Hellenic associations, and for printing in each of the
sorority journals.
Miss Smith was appointed to draw up a letter to be sent
to alumnae clubs, telling them of the purposes of I. S. C.,
and urging their assistance in solving local Pan-Hellenic
difficulties. Mrs. Tennant was asked to make a summary of
her report, to be included in this letter.
For the benefit of girls living in sorority houses, Mrs.
Tenant will have a list of women who might be obtained as
chaperones. :
The Conference considered the application for member-
ship in I. S$. C. from Alpha Delta Phi sorority, and instructed
the chairman to inform them that they do not meet the
requirements for membership.
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Report of the Inter-Sorority Conference, Continued