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Report of the Inter-Sorority Conference, Continued
Report of the Inter-Sorority Conference, Continued
22 Sigma Kappa Triangle
Hellenic spirit there. The chairman of I. S. C. is author-
ized to send word to each chapter at Michigan University
that the dispensation recommended by I. S. C. and granted
by the Grand Presidents expires September 23. In addition,
each delegate is to send word to her Grand President to so
notify her chapter at Michigan. ‘The I. S. C. extends a vote
of thanks to Mrs. Woodward for her efforts towards adjusting
the difficulties at Michigan.
The Kappa Kappa Gamma delegate reported the result
of her study of conditions at Wisconsin University. Mention
was made of the meeting of Madison women, who adopted
resolutions advocating moderation in social affairs. Kappa
Kappa Gamma was continued. as a standing committee for
the same study a year longer, and Mrs. Canby was asked to
express to the Pan-Hellenic at Madison the approval by
I. S.C. of the improvement there. The chairman of I. S.C.
was ordered to notify the Pan-Hellenic at Wisconsin that her
dispensation expires at the Seventh I. S. C., 1908.
The difficulties experienced at Syracuse were discussed,
and Mrs. McElroy and Miss Thompson were appointed a
committee to work through their grand Councils towards an
adjournment. .
Mrs. Tenant read her report on Social Service and Pan-
Hellenics. She reported that lists of four questions had been
sent to each sorority visiting delegate, and to a few per-
sons identified with colleges in such a way as to make their
statements valuable. From the replies she obtained the
following facts :
1. Where .Pan-Hellenic compacts have been agreed
upon and then dishonored, in every case, without exception,
the trouble has centered in a small selfishness that has justly
brought criticism on the entire sorority body. ‘There has
been no care for ‘‘ the greatest good to the greatest number ’’,
and apparently no realization that przzciple should stand _ be-
fore individual preference. On the other hand, where an
earnest attempt has been made to follow a Pan-Hellenic
agreement, snobbishness to a large extent is dying out, asa
consequence of a more intelligent understanding of each
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Report of the Inter-Sorority Conference, Continued