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Editorials, December 1907, Continued
Editorials, December 1907, Continued
Editorials 33
Sigma Kappa Triangle most heartily approves of the
request made by the Inter-Sorority Conference, that copies of
the Sorority magazines be sent to secretaries of Pan-Hellenic
associations in which the respective sororities of the Confer-
ence are located. Estimating from the Sorority Handbook
there are fifty-one Pan Hellenics existing in as many colleges
throughout the United States, the number of chapters repre-
sented in each, varying from two to twelve. Heretofore,
exchanges have, for the most part, fallen only into the hands
of the selected few, the Grand Officers, and the bits of gen-
eral information doled out through the exchange columns to
the hungering active chapters, have been eagerly devoured.
It is naturally a difficult thing for the active girl to real-
ize that anyone should desire to belong to another sorority
than hers, and yet she is forced to admit that there are splen-
did girls in all the sororities. Her conclusions, too, are
based wholly upon the existing chapters in her college.
There is no question but that the tone of a Greek journal
mirrors the character of its order. If the editors will faith-
fully carry out the suggestion of the Conference and place
copies in the hands of the Pan-Hellenics associations, and if
the latter in turn, will faithfully see to it that the exchanges
are systematically circulated, the range of vision of the
active chapter will be broadened, the feeling of good-fellow-
ship and hearty co-operation will be strengthened, and the
unity and harmony for which the Conference has been so.
zealously striving, must, in a measure at least, result.
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Editorials, December 1907, Continued