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Chapter Letters: Alpha - Colby College, December 1907, Continued
Chapter Letters: Alpha - Colby College, December 1907, Continued
Chapter Letters 35
chapter and the pledged girls at her rooms on College avenue.
We feel that we secured a wonderfully strong delegation
this fall. There are seven pledges from the Freshman class,
one from the Sophomore, and one from the Junior class who
was obliged to leave college before she could be initiated last
Our pledge service was held November third at the
home of Bertha Kenneson. ‘The preliminary initiation was
held Friday, November eighth. The initiation and banquet
took place Wednesday, the thirteenth. At eight o’clock
on the appointed evening ‘‘every good Sigma’? arrived at
Sigma Kappa hall to be present at the initiation. Many of
the Waterville Alumnae chapter were present as well as sev-
eral of the ‘‘old girls’’ who came from a distance. Never
was the ceremony more impressive, and tho’ there were eight
initiated the time did not seem long.
A special car carried the ‘‘ merry Sigma band’”’ to Fair-
field where the banquet was served at the Gerald. Many of
the Alumnae were among the number and helped to ‘‘set the
music rolling’? during the ride. The banquet and toasts
were very enjoyable. Clara Eastman made a charming toast
mistress. ‘he stories of ‘‘ Maiden Days’’ as told by our
Alumnae sisters were most interesting. Sister Gilpatrick
made us realize keenly the strength of Sigma Kappa ideals
in the college at a time when there was so little pleasure for
girls in college life. Sister Pierce told us, too, of Sigma’s
youngest days, when there was a membership of but eleven,
although it included every girl then in college. The reminis-
cences of our sisters of the intervening years served to bring
to us a deep appreciation of all the new strength that has
come to Sigma Kappa from year to year.
It is at these gatherings at the home of Sigma when we
‘pledge our fealty anew ’’ that we feel the wonder and inspir-
ation of our order strong within us.
Our deepest desire for our sister chapters is that they
may welcome as strong delegations of true Sigma sisters to
their midst this year as we are welcoming to Alpha.
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Chapter Letters: Alpha - Colby College, December 1907, Continued